Heather Campbell PAR

Heather Campbell strikes again. As I said many months ago, Heather keeps a job for about three years. So now she fucked up my life, my daughter’s life and also my cunt wife’s life and has moved on to a new job at PAR – Professionals, Advocates, Resources (par-ohio.org)

Heather Campbell

Director of Development & Operations, PAR-Ohio


You told Katie to listen you to, you told Katie to hire that fucked up Carrollton attorney, you told Kaitie to do all of these things so she could fuck me over. SUPRISE didn’t really work; all it did now is piss me off. It has been over ONE YEAR since Katie (illegally) filed for divorce in Carroll County on Heather’s advice. Heather had all these plans for Katie, she told her how to plot, scheme and steal from me. She had Katie manipulate accounts at First Federal and do so many shitty things, running to Carrollton police constantly, “dirty pictures” of Shaelyn…if they were “dirty” why was her biological mother in the pictures also. You tried so hard to fuck me Heather (of course you to little subservient bitch Matty) now it’s time to start to play for me.

Now we’re going to have a bit of fun… Matty (the cuck), works for MRDD and of course all of his salary information and contract information is public. LMAO, now I file an open records request and then I will post his salary and all the bullshit that goes along with a government job. I love the Ohio sunshine laws… also finding out a few things about the entire Campbell family. Couple weeks I should have everything to put it all up here.

Now we get to have some fun with PAR – Professionals, Advocates, Resources (par-ohio.org) and they can see what a fucking cunt you are.

Heather Campbell aka “stupid cunt”
1280 Brussel Rd NE
Carrollton, OH 44615
Hm: 330-627-0813 C: 330-324-6574

And before you freak the fuck out you stupid cunt, you posted your resume online for the entire world to see: https://www.slideshare.net/HeatherCampbell11/heather-campbell-resume-with-skills

as I say… stupid Twat, stupid Cunt, welcome to the Internet… or as Katie should have told you… my fucking world. I asked her to “play nice” I asked her “not to do stupid shit” I asked her “not to drag my name” but you convinced her to do all of the above… so she went nuclear. If she would have done shit my way this would have been over & she would have been 100% intact with more to spare but NO, you told her to do this shit, now she’s going to lose so much. Maybe her job next (just received my response from the Comptroller of the Currency) this shit gonna get real. Right up until the “yelling & hand gestures” (charges DROPPED) throwing me in jail I had told my attorney to give everything I got back to her no matter what I got… yep, I’m the narcissist asshole, always having her best interest at heart even after she walked out on me with your advice. So now you stupid cunt, I do hope you lost your fucking job & I look forward to your next job. I’m also not sure what I’m going to do about Matty, since you decided to fuck up my life, my wife’s life, my daughter’s life and all of the things associated with it because you thought you were so fucking smart.

For someone that’s work “history” was normally about 3 years at any one job I guess this one at First Federal Community Bank, has just about run its course anyway. I wonder what now is going to happen to Katie now that you have also ruined her life? How about her daughter? Possibly you should have stayed out of other people’s lives and just lived your own… oh well, too late now.